/********************************************************************* * MODUULE defmerge.h */ /********************************************************************* * Definitions of truth value */ #define bool int #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /********************************************************************* * Definitions counters, which are used for counting the number of * comparisons and assignments */ /* #define COUNTERS 1 */ #ifdef COUNTERS #define add_comparisons(x) (comparisons += (x)) #else #define add_comparisons(x) ; #endif #ifdef COUNTERS #define add_assignments(x) (assignments += (x)) #else #define add_assignments(x) ; #endif #define FUNCTIONS 1 #define RIGHT 1 /********************************************************************* * This type of items we are sorting */ #define TYPE int /********************************************************************* * In my PC I have minimum macro, but not in UNIX-machine */ #ifndef __TURBOC__ #define min(a,b) ( ((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b) ) #endif /********************************************************************* * GLOBAALIEN muuttujien esittely */ extern long comparisons; extern long assignments;