Generic Programming and Library Development

Quarter 4, 2007

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   Essays on tools
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The CPH STL project
September 2000

The Open Tissue
The OpenTissue project
November 2003

Assignment 2

Deadline: Friday, 4 May 2007 at 9.15
Contact persons: Kenny Erleben e-mail: and Jyrki Katajainen e-mail:

The purpose of this assignment is to create a repository of short essays (2-4 pages each) about software tools relevant for library development. The main focus in this assignment is on dissemination, not coding. Some of the tools to be considered are listed on the course home page under Course plan, but due to lack of resources and time we cannot cover all of them. Each group of students will work with a different tool and later on in the course some of the tools will be presented orally in our discussion sessions.

You will get the topic for your essay and the name of a specific tool, call it T, from Jyrki. If you prefer that your essay is not made public at the course home page, please, indicate this clearly in the title of your essay with words "(please do not distribute)". You are free to use the material available at the web and other sources. However, do not plagiarize other people's text. Instead cite honestly the sources you have used and try to explain the tools in your own way using your own examples. Otherwise, we cannot publish your essay on the web.

This page was last modified by Jyrki Katajainen on 20.04.2008.