
Fritz Henglein's research interests are in semantic, logical and algorithmic aspects of programming languages, specifically type inference, type-based program analysis, algorithmic functional programming and domain-specific languages, and the application of programming language technology, presently in enterprise systems (Project 3gERP and health care process modeling (Project TrustCare).

After undergraduate studies at Technische Universität München, he obtained his Ph.D. from Rutgers University and joined New York University, Utrecht University and DIKU, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen. After starting Hafnium ApS to keep the Y2K bug at bay and being on the start-up faculty of the IT University of Copenhagen to increase IT proficiency, he rejoined DIKU as professor with special duties in programming languages. He is now head of the algorithms and programming languages group at DIKU. His goal is to contribute to the development of software that comes with technical and legal guarantees of having no defects (which should be considered a very modest ambition indeed).

Fritz Henglein ( )