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Michael Nissen. Reporting Technologies. In 2nd 3gERP Workshop, Frederiksberg, Denmark, 2008.


Report functions are functions computed on the transaction- al/historical data of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system database. Performance of the computation is an important issue because faster computation of report functions can yield a competi- tive advantage. In many cases real-time computation is preferable because this enables dashboard (real-time) monitoring of the business. Today's ERP systems store data in relational databases and use some of the modern capabilities of relational databases such as support for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). However, relational databases do not provide good support for real-time computation of queries. The {\^O}¬¨¬{\AE}{A}rst contribution of this paper is to present some of the theory for relational databases together with Materialized Views, OLAP, Data ware- housing and Sum Index Field Technology (SIFT) and explain why these technologies are interesting in relation to reporting in ERP systems, but also what their shortcomings are with respect to real-time computation. The second contribution is that we present other kinds of realized tech- nologies and explain how they di{\^O}¬¨¬{\AE}{Ä}er from relational databases, what their strengths and weaknesses are compared to relational databases, why they could be used to do reporting, and to which degree they can be used to compute report functions in real-time. The third contribution is to describe the trend in technologies towards declarative specification of report functions and why this is a good thing


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Michael Nissen

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Nissen, Michael},
   Title = {Reporting Technologies},
   BookTitle = {2nd 3gERP Workshop},
   Address = {Frederiksberg, Denmark},
   Year = {2008}

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