
Logiweb Help: Crossbrowser diagnose windows

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The crossbrowser diagnose windows allow to view the diagnose of the current page (if any) in Pdf, Pyk, or TeX.

The 'diagnose' of a Logiweb page (if any) indicates what is wrong with the page (if anything). A page can only have a 'diagnose' if loading it succeeds. Failure to load a page is 'fatal' and is not reported as a Logiweb 'diagnose'. Rather, the 'diagnose' of a page identifies errors found when verifying the page.

The 'diagnose' of a Logiweb page is a Logiweb tree and is rendered as such. When present, the 'diagnose' may or may not be informative. The preferred non-informative value for 'diagnose' is the name of the page itself. So if the 'diagnose' of a page named 'xyzzy' reads 'xyzzy' then you have to look for the error yourself.

Clicking TeX in a crossbrowser menu provides the TeX source used for generating the Dvi and Pdf faces.

Click here to open a sample crossbrowser diagnose menu for a page which is in error on purpose:-)

Klaus Grue, GRD-2004-08-11