SPACE 2001

First workshop on

London, UK, January 15-16, 2001

Sponsored by The Danish Natural Science Research Council and The IT University of Copenhagen.
In cooperation with ACM/SIGPLAN and EAPLS (subject to final approval).

Registration Closed!

We regret that due to space problems we cannot accept any more registrations as of December 14th.

Since the inception of programming languages increasingly powerful run-time support has been devised for memory management, starting with static memory management, via run-time stacks with explicitly managed heaps and now garbage collection. Correspondingly, harnessing dynamic memory management for predictability, performance, real-time applications, mobility, and distribution has become increasingly more challenging. Highlighted by the advent of region inference in the early 90s, compile-time techniques have been proposed for reasoning about and improving dynamic memory management. Such techniques bear the promise of reducing memory footprints, guaranteeing real-time constraints, meeting resource constraints for embedded devices, etc., and may in the end provide a foundation for the next generation of memory management. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers for a fruitful exchange of ideas on semantics, program analysis and computing environments for memory management.

SCOPE: Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

FORMAT: The workshop consists of presentations by the participants and invited speakers. It focuses on providing a fruitful environment for interaction and presentation of ongoing work. Participants are invited to submit working notes or abstracts for inclusion in the workshop proceedings. Contributions will not be peer-reviewed and can thus still be submitted for publication in other fora. (Please note that it may be necessary to limit participation in order to retain the character of a workshop.)


PROGRAM: The program for the workshop can be found here.

TIME AND PLACE: The workshop takes place in London (in the Huxley Building, Imperial College) and runs Monday and Tuesday, January 15-16, 2001. It is co-located with POPL 2001, which takes place January 17-19.

INFORMATION: Please refer to the workshop home page at for up-to-date information on location, invited talks, participation, etc.

REGISTRATION: Registration for the workshop has closed, sorry.


(Last update: $Date: 2001/01/12 15:52:27 $)